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6 decarbonising prescribing

Most people are a bit gobsmacked to hear that the biggest carbon whallop in primary care comes from the drugs it uses. Big Pharma means Big Carbon. So there are a whole pile of things you can do here, from thinking about reducing unnecessary polypharmacy in medication reviews, to rethinking inhaler policy, to going large on social prescribing. A tonne of ideas here....

Decarbonising asthma care

There is loads to help with this! Examples, posters, training - all packed into the Green Asthma Toolkit. Have a browse!

Screenshot 2023-08-16 at 11-38-58 High Quality and Low Carbon Asthma Care - Greener Practi


So many are working to tackle this. Here's a great clip from Healthcare Without Harm:

Screenshot 2023-08-16 at 13-33-13 Safer Pharma How doctors can help reduce pharmaceutical

"Winding back the harm of too much medicine"

Great presentation from one of our Cornish clinicians. Have a look ...


how social prescribing is our climate action superpower

Social prescribing is just that: the signposting to people and place, not just pharmaceuticals. And it offers three enormous positive impacts:

1: it helps the patient move towards health;

2: it reduces the carbon impact of the health system as it reduces reliance on drugs;

3: it very often enables the patient to get involved in fantastic climate and nature positive actions, which serve them, serve their community, and also contribute to climate and nature action.

It's pretty magic, and massively under-valued by many.
It's all about health creation, social capital and community collaboration, not just sickness treatment. And that's not even taking into account the investment in natural systems from community gardening and local walking groups. What's not to like? 


who else is doing this?

Community Roots in Cornwall on doing fabulous stuff for people, planet and place!

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